
Festival-goers make every voice count: Global Festival of Action steams ahead on the second day

Connecting the dots and building cross-sectoral, intergenerational bridges to bring about change - the second day of the Global Festival of Action was all about igniting global partnerships. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together", says the African proverb.

LGBTQ representatives, indigenous people, Pacific voices, youth movements, private and public sector reinforced their commitment to making sure no one is left behind.

Youths from Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia shared their journeys of resilience at the forefront of climate change in a cross-continental live transmission: “Climate change is a question of justice between generations, between rich and poor, between countries.”

Substantial sessions took participants through a journey to better understand the importance of youth-led accountability, how to develop innovative partnerships, use XR for impact, make sure every person play their role in the quest for new approaches to achieve the SDGs and more!

To drive change, the UN SDG Action Campaign is harnessing the power of visual storytelling in partnership with Canon Europe, who brought its storytellers to the Festival for the launch of its Young People Programme for 2018. How exciting! More details on how it works here.

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