
Regional meetings on 2030 Agenda for UNECE region 25 and 25 April 2017 – Deadline 23 February 2017

We have received the following email about the regional meeting for the ECE region on the 2030 Agenda: 

Dear Major Groups and other Stakeholders from Civil Society interested in regional SDG Agenda 2030 for the UNECE region

We are officially inviting you to pre-register for participation on April 24th and 25th at the UN in Geneva. 

In order to register, please fill ou the registration survey, including information regarding travel support - please note only very little funds are available!

The English online-registration form is here, please fill out before February 23rd 2017: 

The form has 2 parts

1) for all interested participants

2) needs to be filled out if you are requesting full or partial travel funding

Enclosed is the invitation letter. 

A Russian registration form and letter ARE ALSO AVAILABLE, from

Looking forward to hearing from you

For the organisers, 

Sascha, Nurgul and all


CALL FOR PARTICIPATION and NOMINATIONS for travel support to REGIONAL CSO FORUM on SDGs Agenda 2030, 24 April 2017, and Regional Forum on Sustainable Development of the UNECE Region, 25 April 2017, at UN Geneva

Date 13 Feb 2017 

Ref: Call for participation and travel grant nominations

Dear representatives of Major Groups and Stakeholders of civil society wishing to engage in the regional process on the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the UNECE region.

We would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming regional Civil Society forum on Agenda 2030 SDGs on Monday April 24 2017,  and the official UN “Regional Forum on on 25 April 2017 at the United Nations ‘Palais de Nations’ in Geneva.

The aim of the CSO forum is to:

  • Allow the diversity of UN ECE civil society organizations to engage in national, sub-regional, regional and international intergovernmental processes on the sustainable Development Goals.
  • Civil society organizations to present and discuss their reports on implementation and reviews of Agenda 2030 at national and regional level
  • Develop and adopt joint positions of CSOs to present at the governmental UNECE SDG Forum
  • Discuss and create an regional mechanism for engagement of civil society in the UNECE SDG process
  • Linking global with regional, national and local agenda in the region

We are inviting interested participants to register in the following online application and to indicate if they need travel support, here, before 23 FEBRUARY 2017  

In case you are unable to use the application form you can request a paper format application from the organisers: (

The draft agenda of the CSO Forum and Concept Note are available here: xxxx 

The UN is providing VERY LIMITED travel support for about 10-20 people. An independent selection committee will make a selection based on the following criteria for travel support:

  • Ability to involve and cooperate with wide range of Civil Society organisations in their countries and constituencies during preparation to CSO forum and disseminate information about CSO Forum results afterwards
  • Willingness and capacity to contribute with time and engagement to developing policy positions and meaningful participation of diverse civil society
  • Based on the ‘leave-no-one-behind’ principle, priority for national- and local-level organisations from lower-income countries of the UNECE region
  • Priority to organisations of groups not-well-represented in decision-making in their regions due to social-economic-ethnic-gender-sexual orientation-age or other reasons

The selection committee will try to balance as much as possible thematic, sub-regional, gender and constituencies.

We call on any organisations that have some financial means to contribute to additional travel support to engage with the organisers.

The organisers are an open-ended, self-organised community, which anyone who does not represent a national government, and is engaged in sustainable development, can join via the list serve, please register here.  

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