
Summit 7: UN General Assembly agrees outcome document to adopt post-2015 agenda (Part 1)

The UN General Assembly, at its meeting on 1 September 2015, agreed by consensus the outcome document, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (2030 Agenda) to adopt the post-2015 development agenda.

The 2030 Agenda was welcomed by Sam Kutesa, General Assembly President as “a historic achievement” adding that “this transformative agenda will open a new chapter in development history.” He thanked Member States, Observers and all Stakeholders for their “active and constructive engagement throughout the process, ” paying special tribute to the Co-facilitators, Ambassadors David Donoghue of Ireland and Macharia Kamau of Kenya.

The Secretary-General also spoke about the constructive dialogue, which had led to agreement being reached after three years of negotiations, commenting that “2015 is a watershed year for putting world on a sustainable pathway.” 

Statements after adoption

Following adoption, a number of groups and countries made statements and gave explanations of vote. Generally there was a recognition that the Agenda 2030 was not a perfect document but represented a political balance that addressed the interests of all Member States.

In addition to echoing the gratitude to the Co-facilitators and also Ambassador Csaba Kőrösi of Hungary, Co-chair with Ambassador Kamau of the Open Working Group, many speakers recognized the important role played by civil society organizations, the Major Group and other Stakeholders throughout the process. 

In explaining their vote a number of Member States made reservations on various aspects of the 2030 Agenda. These include reservations on sexual and reproductive health and rights; abortion; sexual orientation and LGBTI; and same-sex marriage. They mostly relate to SDGs 3.7 and 5.6 and are in line with reservations made at the time of the adoption of the Report of the Open Working Group, although some referred to “other status” in paragraph 19. These reservations will be reviewed in more detail at a later date.

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