
IPPF launches SDGs: A SRHR CSO guide to implementation

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) has launched its Sustainable Development Goals: A SRHR CSO guide to implementation, which is available in English, Spanish and French, with Portuguese and Arabic versions to follow.

The purpose of this publication is to set out what the new 2030 Agenda means for CSOs working on SRHR and how it can be used to push for progress at a national level. It details relevant targets, looks at how they relate to existing programmes and commitments and suggests ways to ensure that they are implemented. It describes specific actions that national advocates may want to consider taking to drive progress on the development and implementation of national plans, to play a role in monitoring and accountability, and to support the measurement of progress.

Because every country has a different system and way of working, and will have different focus areas on sustainable development, there is no "one size fits all" approach to implementing the 2030 Agenda at a national level. Advocates are encouraged to use the advice in this publication in a way that is helpful to their national context, and to adapt it to reflect their circumstances.

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