Youth-Adult Partnerships in Practice: A world café to exchange experiences among stakeholders

Sunday September 21st, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
W Hotel, 541 Lexington Avenue (between 49th and 50th street)
Governments, civil society organizations, young people and UN agencies all agree that youth participation is a basic right in the ICPD process. Through youth-adult partnerships, effective youth participation is stimulated and supported.
In the light of the UNGASS on the follow-up to the ICPD Programme of Action beyond 2014, this side-event aims to highlight examples and best practices of different types of existing youth-adult partnerships working in relation to SRHR, ICPD and Post-2015.
Co-organized by CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, dance4life and supported by the Dutch government, the side-event will be organized around four cases of youth-adult partnerships in an open and interactive atmosphere to encourage and facilitate interaction between different stakeholders. Several cases of youth-adult partnerships will be central to the exchange:
- The PACT: Mikaela Hildebrand (UNAIDS) & Pablo Aguilera (HYLF)
- Youth Leadership Working Group: Katie Lau (IPPF) & Prateek Awasthi (UNFPA)
- Youth&ICPD Ghana: Cecilia Senoo (Hope for Future Generations/ Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Health) & Edith Asamani (Curious Minds Ghana)
Join us for an interactive exchange of experiences!
To ensure that an interactive modality can be facilitated there is limited capacity. Please RSVP to Ms. Stéphanie van der Wijk before September 19th.