UNGASS civil society statement consultation

We have received the following from IPPF:
The International Planned Parenthood Federation has been allocated one of the five civil society speaking slots at the forthcoming UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Beyond 2014 on 22 September 2014.
To ensure we reflect the priorities of CS globally, beyond the IPPF network of over 170 countries, please take part in the consultation survey. The results will be fed into the IPPF statement. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes of your time. Please complete the survey by Monday 15 September, 12pm GMT.
In case the consultation link does not work please copy and paste the following weblink into your browser- http://fluidsurveys.com/surveys/ippf/your-views-for-the-icpd-special-session/