
Proposed SDGs and Target – Civil Society Reactions

As reported in the IISD Post-2015 Policy & Practice a number of Major Groups and civil society organizations have reacted to the final outcome of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as agreed at the end of the 13th session (OWG 13). The majority of reactions suggest the outcome is a significant step forward, while highlighting specific concerns.

While many groups commented on the OWG's inclusiveness, noting that full and meaningful participation of civil society is being recognized as an essential aspect of the new global agenda, there were also comments as to what had not been included. One notable weakness is the lack of human-rights based language. According to ATD Fourth World, the term "access to" could be replaced with "right to" throughout the goals and targets, and that the document "could better emphasize reaching the most marginalized.”

The Women's Major Group has highlighted eight "Red Flags” in the Outcome Document. These include the absence of human rights and  also that sexual and reproductive health targets do not go far enough.

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