
Member States agree decision on modalities for the process of intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda

Member States have reached agreement on the modalities of the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda. (See attached)

In summary:

  • The UN Secretary-General’s Synthesis report is noted. 
  • The negotiations will be held in accordance with General Assembly procedures and practices and the process will be open, transparent and inclusive as well as consistent with the resolution for the organization of the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. 
  • The Co-facilitators will ensure the engagement of relevant stakeholders including major groups and civil society, also building on the practices of the Open Working Group (OWG). 
  • The outcome document will be prepared for adoption at the Summit and may include the following main components: Declaration; Sustainable Development Goals and targets; Means of Implementation and Global Partnership for Sustainable Development; and follow-up and review;
  • The proposal of the OWG will be the main basis for integrating sustainable development goals into the post-2015 development agenda, while recognizing that other inputs, will also be considered; 
  • Every effort will be made to ensure effective coordination between the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda and the preparatory process for the third International Conference on Financing for Development and other relevant United Nations intergovernmental processes; 
  • The initial draft of the outcome document on the post 2015 development agenda will be prepared by the co-facilitators and will be presented to member states by May 2015 for the intergovernmental negotiations;
  • The following provisional indicative roadmap will comprise:

(a) 19-21 January 2015 [3 days] – Stocktaking 
(b) 17-20 February 2015 [4 days] – Declaration
(c) 23-27 March 2015 [5 days] – Sustainable Development Goals and targets
(d) 20-24 April 2015 [5 days] - Means of Implementation and Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
(e) 18-22 May 2015 [5 days] – Follow up and review
(f) 22-25 June 2015 [4 days] – Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document
(g) 20-24 July 2015 and 27-31 July 2015 [10 days] – Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document.

  • The outcome document of the post-2015 development agenda should be adopted by consensus;
  • The overarching theme for the six interactive dialogues at the Summit will be ‘Transforming the world: Realizing the post-2015 development agenda and their individual themes will be decided through the process of intergovernmental negotiations; 
  • These modalities will be flexible and reviewed as necessary.

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