
NGOs speak out on post-2015 synthesis report

The UN Secretary-General’s synthesis report is due to be published before the end of December. A number of NGOs and civil society organizations have written to the Secretary-General and to Amina Mohammed, the UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning to comment on issues that wish to see reflected in the report and to make suggestions on the accountability, implementation, and framework of the agenda.

Among those contributing was the Civil Society Platform to Promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Beyond 2015. In their letter to the Secretary-General, they called for the full recognition of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The Women's Major Group has also written stressing gender equality, addressing the root causes of poverty, and women of all ages should be the focus of the synthesis report. The Group also emphasizes the need for human rights to be at the center of the next development agenda, and for the synthesis report to set this ambition. (See: Women's Major Group Letter)

Academics, experts and health organizations have also written to point out that the social determinants of health have been omitted from Goal 3 of the proposed sustainable development goals. They requested that the synthesis report should reflect that it should be taken into account in the development of it the indicators at the appropriate time. 

Other organizations submitted a letter to Amina Mohammed calling for the post-2015 development agenda to be accountable to children and young people and recommending that children and youth be engaged in monitoring development implementation, data collection, and upholding human rights.

Other organizations that have commented include the German Development Institute (DIE), which has written a commentary entitled “Post 2015: setting up a coherent accountability framework” and Beyond 2015 which drafted a collection of Post-2015 "Red Flags. (See: Beyond 2015 Red Flags)

NGOs have received replies from Amina Mohammed to their letters. Next month we will see be able to see their impact in the synthesis report…

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