London Family Planning Summit Declaration for Civil Society

The International Planned Parenthood Federation in the email below invites Civil Society Organizations to sign the London Family Planning Summit Declaration:
Dear Friends,
We would like to thank all of you who participated in various face-to-face, survey and telephone conversations regarding the London Family Planning Summit, to be held in London, July 2012. We would also like you to sign on to the London Family Planning Summit Declaration for Civil Society. Attached in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
IPPF was tasked by the London Family Planning Summit to coordinate civil society response to the Summit. Over the last eight weeks we have had various face-to-face consultations in the US & the UK and two teleconferences. These were attended by representation from over 90 CSOs from 30 countries. In addition an online survey which was shared with the SRHR Listservs, through SRHR networks and with over 2,000 grassroots CSOs. We received responses from 220 participants, from 53 countries. To enable continued dialogue with civil society a Steering Committee has been established with global, regional and national representation through NGOs and networks working at the global level; regional– India and Brazil, and national - Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Bolivia.
The thoughts and ideas received through the consultations, including comments from the Steering Committee members and several hundred of their partners, have been synthesised and consolidated to produce a two page global sign-on letter. This will be sent to David Cameron and Melinda Gates. It will also be published in a Financial Times supplement just before the Summit, along with the names and logos of all the agencies who sign up to it.
The purpose of the letter is to highlight civil society commitments to the London Family Planning Summit. To demonstrate the important role of civil society in helping an additional 120 million women access contraceptives that are desperately wanted and needed, but are currently out of reach for millions of women.
The current priority shown to family planning offers us a much needed and timely entry point to ensure that SRHR is at the top of the development agenda prior to the negotiations for the post 2015 development framework. We urge you to show your commitment to SRHR and sign up to this letter. Please share this with your partners and networks.
To sign your organization on to the letter email by Monday, June 18th with the following information:
- The country you represent
- Your organisation’s full name
- A professional quality version of their logo
- This should be available from their communications team or their design suppliers
- It should be sent either as a vector format EPS or Adobe Illustrator .AI file
- Alternatively a best quality TIFF or JPEG file or other bitmap version
Thank you for your time and for demonstrating your support for the London Family Planning Summit and for SRHR.
Best wishes
The London Family Planning Summit Declaration for Civil Society can be downloaded from here in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese