London Summit on Family Planning — Revised Overview for the Summit

IPPF is circulating the information below and attached Revised Overview for the London Summit on Family Planning (previously referred to as FP2012 or the ‘Gold Moment)
“Many of you are interested in the progress of the London Summit on Family Planning.
Thank you to all who submitted comments on the zero draft of the overview for the Summit, prepared by DFID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The document has now been revised, based on feedback – attached.
We would be grateful if you would please circulate widely to your networks. Comments from CSOs should be directed to
IPPF is currently exploring options on how best to consult civil society on this document at some point in the next week or two.
Kind regards, IPPF”
The London Summit on Family Planning Outcome document is available for download here.

Reader Comments (2)
The rights to health care, reproductive health and reproductive rights is a fundamental legal claim. The universal access to this claim is the current challenge in healthcare delivery services. The KaiCombey Foundation is committed in mitigating these challenges facing the universal access to reproductive rights and health care.
Access to family planning as preventive measures premise the reduction of teenage pregnancy and abortion (unwanted pregnancy) among youths and young people. It will also prevent sexually transmitted disease (STDs).
However, our organization, The KaiCombey Foundation does recognize the impact of traditional barriers to reproductive rights that stigmatise women fundamentals. It deters the use of contraceptives because of some religious and traditional beliefs. It is only by outreaching communities with community education and sensitization campaign in other to educate them about the importance of the use of contraceptive for both men and women.
During one of my visits to Sierra Leone, West Africa, I ran into couple of old men in the interior part of the eastern part of the country. I was evaluating a project in that part of the country. During my privileged discussion with them, one of the old man told me that he has never seen Condom / durex in his life but confirmed to me that he only know that women do prevent themselves from having babies. “Traditionally, we have traditional strings that women tie on their waist if they do not want to give birth but I never allow all my wives to use it”, the old man claimed (this man traditionally marriage five wives). I further told him about contraceptives for women....”NO, NO, NO.... IT IS HARAM” meaning it is an abomination to him. He said that this “Whiteman” stuffs has “destroyed and brought lots of conflicts in their marriages because the young girls today are going for those contraceptives, a licence for them to practice polygamy by running after their age groups”. The other old man vented himself to me.
Three of the men are in their late 60s while others are in mid 50s. It was very interesting to know that the women they all marriage are between the age of 25 to 33yr old.
This scenario, an experience gained during my visit is very crucial for our advocacy and awareness raising if we really want the success of reproductive health care to gain traditional ownership. NGOs should target grass root and both traditional and religious leaders.
Our organization is pleased to work with any potentially interested organization/s who will be interested in looking at the effect of some traditional practices / beliefs in reproductive rights and health care.
Our email address is: ,
Please let us collectively champion the course that we believe.
There is another related London Summit - the Global Summit 2012 - happening in August. Just thought IPPF could find them useful partners. The website is Some events of the Summit are on LocalTiger London.