Invitation for endorsements to the statement Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit

Please send any final endorsements by 9am NY time on Tuesday 12th June.
Dear all,
Amnesty International, the Center for Reproductive Rights, DAWN, the International Women's Health Coalition and RESURJ have prepared a statement Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit in advance of the DFID/Gates Family Planning Summit which will be held in London on 11 July 2012. We would like to invite you or your organization to endorse this statement (attached), which will be presented to the organisers prior to the Summit.
For information, I have also attached the official zero draft of the Family Planning Summit Overview that was circulated to civil society stakeholders.
To endorse this statement, please send the following information to CRR’s Kate Meyer (
- Name of organization or individual (please specify which)
- Country
- Name and email of contact person
Please also circulate this statement to your contacts and networks. The deadline for endorsements is Monday 11 June 2012. We will circulate the statement again after endorsements have been received.
Best wishes,
Louise Finer
Director of Global Advocacy
Center for Reproductive Rights
The Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit can be downloaded here in English, Spanish, and Portuguese