Update on Health Thematic Consultation Process

Activities are taking place related to different parts of the Health Thematic Consultation process and some deadlines have already passed.
Online global health consultation
If you haven’t already registered for the online global health consultation at www.worldwewant2015.org/health, please do so and contribute to the discussion on twitter using the hashtag #health2015. A call for papers has been launched to inform the consultation is available as a pdf for download on the website.
In February/March 2013, a high level meeting will be held with representatives of government, civil society, academia and the private sector. It will discuss the findings of the online engagement and papers and will put forward recommendations on how to address health to the UN Secretary General and to the UN High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Agenda.
Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
During the Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Beijing two lunchtime launch sessions have been held to inform symposium participants about the ongoing web consultation, and encourage inputs and ideas around key issues and potential goals and targets for the post-2015 era. The first, on 1 November, was on "Health in the post-2015 development agenda - the global consultation process," chaired by Gillian Mellsop, UNICEF Representative, China
In which Anders Nordstrom, Global Health Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden and Kumanan Rasanathan, Health Section, UNICEF spoke. On 2 November the chair and speaker on "Health in the post-2015 development agenda - the measurement of goals and targets" was Ties Boerma, Director, Department of Health Statistics and Informatics, WHO.
A plenary session was held on 3 November entitled “Post-2015 development goals: Framing the issues, prioritizing health and using the evidence”, chaired by Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet, UK, with speakers including Joseph Kasonde, Minister of Health, Zambia; Anders Nordström, Ambassador for Global Health, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden; Sania Nishtar, Founder and President, Heartfile, Pakistan; Ariel Pablos-Mendez, Assistant Administrator, USAID; Toomas Palu, Sector Manager for Health, Nutrition and Population, East Asia and Pacific Region, World Bank, Bangkok
Role of the Private Sector in the Post-2015 Health Agenda: Inaugural Working Session
Convened by GBCHealth, in partnership with The Government of Sweden, the World Economic Forum, and the MDG Health Alliance, a working session on 6 November will be the platform for an open dialogue among a small, select group of business leaders committed to global health. The meeting will gather collective insights from business leaders on the role the private sector can play to mitigate evolving health burdens as an input to the broader development of the global post-2015 agenda and will be held under Chatham House rules (i.e. no attribution to individuals or organizations) to encourage candid conversation.
This session is invitation-only and a report from the meeting will be made available on the website.
Government input
A meeting of WHO Member States is planned for Geneva in mid-December 2012 for an initial consultation on health in the post 2015 agenda.
Pulling it all together…
In February/March 2013, a high level meeting will be held with representatives of government, civil society, academia and the private sector. It will discuss the findings of the online engagement and papers and will put forward recommendations on how to address health to the UN Secretary General and to the UN High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Agenda.