Entries by Richard (1726)


Pre-registration and side event applications for UN Sustainable Transport Conference

Member States, intergovernmental organizations, the United Nations system and relevant stakeholders are invited to submit applications for side events to be held on the sidelines of the UN Sustainable Transport Conference, to be held 5-7 May 2020 in Beijing.

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ISRRC - UN consultations on civic space, 13-24 January 2020

Please see below an announcement from the UN:

Since November 2018, OHCHR and UN-Women have been working to better understand and to strengthen the UN’s engagement with civil society organizations.

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Registration for the Africa and Europe Regional Forums on Sustainable Development

We have received information from the Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development, UN DESA, that registration is open for the following Regional Forums on Sustainable Development:

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ECOSOC and HLPF Theme 2020

The UN General Assembly has approved the following theme for the ECOSOC 2019-2020 cycle and the 2020 HLPF:


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Regional preparatory meetings for HLPF 2020

The dates for the following regional preparatory meetings for the High-level Political Forum 2020 have been announced:

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Nairobi Summit - critical info to familiarize

Dear CSOs and young people, 

Just about 8 days ahead of Nairobi Summit we hope you are getting ready!

We would like to share with you a visual ( attached) which presents the proceedings once you land in Nairobi. We are also attaching the check list which will be helpful as you are getting ready.

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IAEG-SDGs 10 Update 1

Opening session and new members of

The 10th meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators is being held for the first time in Africa, at the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  from 22-24 October 2019.

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Nairobi Summit: update on commitments and Community zone (Pamoja)

Below is the latest information on the Nairobi commitments and the Summit Community zone (Pamoja). Please share widely. 

Nairobi commitments

The following information is essential in working with your partners to ensure country, regional and global commitments:

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Survey on Beijing +25 review

In 2020, the global community will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the  adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing +25). The review and appraisal of its implementation will take place at the sixty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (New York from 9 to 20 March 2020).

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IAEG-SDGs 10: detailed plenary sessions agenda available

The detailed agenda for the plenary session of the 10th IAEG-SDG meeting is now available.

Meeting documents will start to be uploaded onto the website of the 10th IAEG-SDG meeting in the coming days.  


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