
51st session of the UN Statistical Commission – Update 2

IAEG-SDGs activities in 2019

During 2019 the IAEG-SDGs met twice in Beirut and Addis Ababa and also held 15 virtual meetings and teleconferences. The Group reviewed progress on the methodological development of tier III indicators and reviewed and updated the tier classification. It discussed the process for the 2020 comprehensive review; specific proposals for replacement, revision, addition, deletion and refinement; ongoing work on data disaggregation; its future workplan; how new data sources can be used to facilitate monitoring of the 2030 Agenda, including integrating geospatial information with statistics for monitoring the SDGs; and best practices relating to SDG implementation and reporting at all levels.

Tier classification updates and the methodological development of tier III indicators

In reviewing the tier classification of indicators, the IAEG-SDGs focused on reclassifying those tier III indicators for which sufficient advances in methodological development had been achieved, as well as all tier I and tier II indicators based on the availability of data at global and regional levels. Updated plans were received for nearly all tier III indicators. All indicators without a workplan, as the result of not having a custodian agency, were included in the 2020 review. 

2020 comprehensive review

In addition to setting out criteria and guiding principles for the 2020 comprehensive review, the IAEG-SDGs agreed that the entire GIF would be examined and some indicators would be replaced, deleted, refined or adjusted and, in a few select cases, additional indicators introduced, only if: (a) the current indicator(s) did not map well to the target or track the target well; (b) an additional indicator was needed to cover a critical aspect of the target or Goal; and/or (c) the methodological development of a tier III indicator had stalled or had not produced the expected results.

Following a call for proposals for indicators for consideration in the review, 251 were received by the Secretariat from countries, international and regional organization, civil society, academia and the private sector. They were then reviewed with 100 meeting the criteria of the IAEG. A further 35 proposals were classified as refinements to be handled separately, before being submitted to the IAEG for its review. The Group then identified 53 proposals that were included in an open consultation, with inputs being received from 600 individuals, countries and organizations. Seven additional proposals were added to the list of 53, which were finalized following the Addis IAEG meeting for consideration by the Statistical Commission.

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