Entries by Richard (1726)


Virtual Townhall Meeting of Civil Society and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres

As in all crises, women’s civil society organizations have been at the front line of response to the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting life-saving information and public health messaging, building institutional trust and community resilience, and helping inform and engage marginalised communities

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UNESCO - Futures of Education initiative - Invitation to contribute

We have received the following from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization:


A few years ago, you provided an incredible support to the United Nations, by mobilizing your networks and communities around the myworld2015survey (‘The United Nations global survey for a better world’). Your views helped to shape the top priorities of the different United Nations agencies , including UNESCO’s – the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

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Request for support of UN75 People’s Declaration

On behalf of the UN2020 & Together First Campaigns, we invite you to endorse the UN75 People’s Declaration and Call for Global Action, “Humanity at a Crossroads: Global Solutions for Global Challenges,” that was formally received by H.E. Mr. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, 74th President of the General Assembly, at the UN75 People’s Forum (May 14-15). 


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UN Women International Youth Day 2020 Celebrations

On 12 August 2020, UN Women will host a virtual event in celebration of International Youth Day. The event will be a recognition of the contributions and leadership of youth, particularly during these times of COVID-19. Global solidarity will be shared with and from youth activists, leaders, and feminists from across the globe. You may find the programme here.

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General Assembly resolution on theme for 2021 ECOSOC/HLPF and related SDGs

After lengthy consultations, which began last February, the UN General Assembly resolution entitled “Review process of the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 67/290 and 70/299 on the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level and resolution 72/305 on the strengthening of the Economic and Social Council” was adopted through the silence procedure on 3 August. It provides the theme and lists the nine SDGs that will be reviewed in depth at the 2021 session of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

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Decision on theme for ECOSOC/HLPF in 2021 and subset of SDGs for 2021 HLPF adopted

The silence procedure on the theme for ECOSOC/HLPF in 2021 and subset of SDGs that will be discussed at 2021 HLPF has passed silence procedure and has thus been adopted. Here is the link to the letter of the President of the General Assembly in this regard. also attached is the unedited text of the decision for ease of reference.


Women’s Health and Rights in the time of COVID

Virtual Multi-Stakeholder hearing in preparation of the General Assembly high-level meeting on Beijing+25

Dr Varthani Kirupanandan MBChB, for the Commonwealth Medical Trust (Commat)

The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed limitations on not only trade, economic growth and society; but also on progression of work towards meeting sustainable development goals [1], particularly gender equality and women’s health. As a result of the pandemic, the 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women was held in a scaled down format with limited international participation, involving only New York based delegations.

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HLPF Update 9 - Friday, 31 July

Despite the technical challenges of hosting a virtual HLPF, there were 93,346 views on UN Web TV and MGoS engagement remained high:

  • 19 MGoS Lead Discussants/ Resource Persons participated in the thematic sessions;

  • 30 MGoS Interventions during the thematic sessions;

  • 109 MGoS Side Events; and 

  • 27 live questions being asked and answered during the VNR sessions and a further 20 in writing

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ECOSOC & HLPF Review | Letter from Co-Facilitators | Silence Procedure

Please find attached a letter from H.E. Mr. Kaha Imnadze, Permanent Representative of Georgia, and H.E. Mr. Jean-Claude do Rego, Permanent Representative of Benin, the co-facilitators for the intergovernmental negotiations for the review process of the Economic and Social Council and the High-level Political Forum. 

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UN General Assembly, sets modalities for 75th session – new dates

The General Assembly adopted five decisions on 21 and 22 July, which include the modalities for a virtual opening of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly and revised dates for the summit on biodiversity and the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women.


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