Entries by Richard (1726)


Education Thematic Consultation  

The Education Thematic Consultation e-discussion on Global Citizenship, Jobs and Skills closes on 9 February 2013. This week the focus of the discussion is on: key recommendations in the Post-2015 Development Agenda for making a lasting and transformative impact in relation to (a) education for global citizenship; (b) education for life-skills; (c) adequate work-related skills development for young people, women and men.

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Health Thematic Consultation – latest update 5 February 2013

The Health e-discussions are now closed, but the Draft Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Health is open for comment until 19 February. There are many references to sexual and reproductive health and rights and it is important that comments are sent in in their support.

The High Level dialogue will be held in Gaborone, Botswana in 5-6 March. Participants will comprise 40-50 senior level from all sectors and the purpose of the meeting will be to make recommendations on health in the post-2015 agenda, based on inputs received from the consultation, including the revised Report.

A series of six Civil Society consultations are being, or have been, held. They include a day session on health in the post 2015 agenda at the ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Youth Forum, organized by UNFPA in Bali in December 2012, in which more than 600 youth participated. A consultation for Central and Eastern Europe was also organized by the ASTRA Network, in partnership with the Eastern European Alliance for Reproductive Choice, from 26 to 27 January 2013 in Moscow, Russian Federation, involving 20 experts from the region.


Inequalities Thematic Consultation – latest update 4 February  

The high level leadership meeting for the Inequalities Thematic Consultation will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 19 February 2013 to contribute to the framing of the discussions on the Post-2015 agenda, including sustainable development, from the perspective of integrating and addressing inequalities. It will be hosted by the Governments of Denmark and Ghana, and approximately 40 high level participants from Member States, major civil society organizations, key UN partners, members of the Secretary-General’s High Level Panel will discuss the synthesized results of the Consultation Process.

An open session will be held with the Advisory Group on 18 February 2013, with the participation of the public through internet and the social media. (Agenda attached)


Sexual and reproductive health included in the Communiqué from the Meeting of the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda on 1 February 2013 in Monrovia, Liberia

Following their meeting in Monrovia, Liberia on 1 February 2013, the Secretary General’s High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda issued statement, which includes an explicit reference to sexual and reproductive health.

The Communiqué states “All members of the panel share a passion for finding the right framework for sustainable development to combat poverty and enable people to fulfill their potential. This is – first and last – about people; the lives they are able to lead, the education they can benefit from, the families they can raise, the health they can enjoy and the prospects they can look forward to as they live their lives and look to the future.”

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Post 2015 High Level Panel (HLP) Meeting in Monrovia… outcome of CSO Pre-Consultative Forum

In addition to a meeting with Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia at which five vulnerable groups (Children; Women; Farmers, workers, traders, the informal sector; Youth; and Aged and disabled people) addressed the outcomes of the Forum, the CSO 2-day Pre-Consultative Forum, seventy CSO met with all members of the High Level Panel (HLP) in a ‘town hall’ meeting.

The ‘town hall’ meeting was co-chaired by Mrs Namhia Mniki-Mangaliso, head of the African CSO Secretariat, and Mr Charles Abugre, Head of UNMC Africa. Professor Gita Sen presented the outcomes of the CSO Consultation. Other speakers included a Liberian woman farmer, an 11-year old girl and a spokesperson for youth.

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Draft Report on Thematic Consultation on Inequalities open for comment Deadline: 31 January 2013 

The Thematic Consultation on Inequalities has announced that the first draft of the final report on the Inequalities Consultation is open for public comment. Please visit the page and post your comments in the comment box online.  Comments may also be emailed to: inequalities@worldwewant2015.org. You should indicate whether you wish your comments to be posted on the website as well.

The final summaries of each of the e-discussions will be annexed to the final report.  

Sexual and reproductive health and rights are included in the following sections of the report:

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UN-NGLS Civil Society Consultation
 for the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Dec 2012-Jan 2013

The report on the High Level Panel (HLP) Framing Questions has been compiled by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) for the HLP meeting in Monrovia, Liberia, 30 January – 2 February 2013. Just under 800 responses from 134 participating organizations, international networks and individual respondents through online submissions and email.

The selection of questions was organized under two main themes: A) The shape and content of a post-2015 development framework; B) Partnership and accountability for development. Each question has been reported upon in a stand-alone section of this synthesis report, and therefore there is some overlap and repetition in the content of responses across the 13 questions.

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67th General Assembly adopts resolution for Special Session

67th General Assembly adopts resolution for the arrangements for the Organization of the Special Session of the General Assembly on the follow-up to the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014

In December 2012 the 67th Session of the General Assembly adopted a resolution that sets out the modalities for the Special Session of the General Assembly for ICPD Beyond 2014.

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High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda Website

The website for the High-Level Panel www.post2015hlp.org is now live and provides details not only about the Panel members but also about the Secretariat, under the leadership of Homi Kharas, the Lead Author and Executive Secretary.


Third High Level Panel (HLP) meeting on the Post 2015 Development Agenda, Monrovia, Liberia – 28 to 30 January 2013

Beyond 2015 has provided information on CSO participation for the Third High Level Panel (HLP) meeting on the Post 2015 Development Agenda in Monrovia, Liberia, 28 to 30 January 2013.

Consultations with CSOs are being jointly organized by the Africa-wide post-2015 Working Group and the Liberian CSO post-2015 Working Group; working in partnership with Beyond 2015, the UN HLP Secretariat Outreach desk, the UN SG Secretariat, and representatives from other southern CSO networks.

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