
First Announcement -- Stakeholder Outreach Events at the 4th High Level Panel (HLP) meeting on the Post 2015 Development Agenda in Bali, 25 March 2013

Information has been made available on the fourth consultative meeting of the High Level Panel in Bali, Indonesia from 25 to 27 March 2013. The discussions of the Panel in Bali, Indonesia will focus on Partnership and Cooperation for Development, with a focus on strategies for implementation and opportunities to shape a global consensus on the new development agenda.

In keeping with the 24 Framing Questions developed by the Panel in November 2012, key issues that will be discussed in this meeting include:

  • How will a new framework encourage partnerships and coordination between and within countries at all stages of development, and with non-state actors such as business, civil society and foundations?
  • How specific should the Panel be with recommendations on means of implementation, including development assistance, finance, technology, capacity building, trade and other actions?
  • How can accountability mechanisms be strengthened? What kind of monitoring process should be established? How can transparency and more inclusive global governance be used to facilitate achievement of the development agenda?
  • How can a new framework tackle the challenge of coherence among the organizations, processes, and mechanisms that address issues that are global in scope?
  • How can we judge the affordability and feasibility of proposed goals, given current constraints?
  • How can we build and sustain global consensus for a new framework, involving member states, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders?

Structure of Outreach Day Events in Bali

HLP interactions with stakeholder groups will be held across 25 March 2013 in accordance with a program outline that is being developed by Outreach focal points in the Indonesian government, the Secretariat to the High Level Panel and the Executive Office of the Secretary General (EOSG). More information on this will be provided shortly.

Each session within the proposed schedule will be developed and facilitated by focal points from the relevant stakeholder group. A CSO Steering Group, for instance, has been formed to lead on events such as the Civil Society Round Tables and would also work with lead agencies from other stakeholder events to convene the Town Hall meeting.

For full announcement see see below. Further updates will be available on


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« Information on CSOs Forum and Outreach Session of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons, Bali 23th to 25th March 2013 and the Bali Youth Multi-stakeholders Meeting on the Post-2015 Development Agenda | Main | Update on Population Dynamics Thematic Consultation, 14 February 2014 »