
Message from the Chair: about the iERG open consultation with stakeholders 

According to the Chair, Dr Richard Horton, the (Independent Expert Review Group) iERG open consultation with stakeholders on Thursday May 24 in Geneva at the time of the World Health Assembly at the World Council of Churches was an event that all the members of the iERG had been looking forward to for months. 

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Civil Society Declaration: Women’s human rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit 

Over 320 organizations, groups and individuals from more than 80 countries have endorsed the call for the Family Planning Summit and its organizers—the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID)—to pay greater attention to women’s human rights. 

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Tewodros Melesse, Director-General of the IPPF, blogs in the BMJ about the importance of access to reproductive health

In preparation for the Rio+20 summit, Tewodros Melesse, Director-General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, blogs in the British Medical Journal about the importance of access to reproductive health

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London Summit on Family Planning — Revised Overview for the Summit

IPPF is circulating the information below and attached Revised Overview for the London Summit on Family Planning (previously referred to as FP2012 or the ‘Gold Moment)

“Many of you are interested in the progress of the London Summit on Family Planning. 

 Thank you  to  all who  submitted comments on the zero draft of the overview for the Summit, prepared by DFID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  The document has now  been revised, based on feedback – attached. 

 We would be grateful if you would please circulate widely to your networks.  Comments from CSOs should be directed to

IPPF is currently exploring options on how best to  consult civil society on this document at some point in the next week or two. 

Kind regards, IPPF”

The London Summit on Family Planning Outcome document is available for download here


Invitation for endorsements to the statement Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit

Please send any final endorsements by 9am NY time on Tuesday 12th June.

Dear all,

Amnesty International, the Center for Reproductive Rights, DAWN, the International Women's Health Coalition and RESURJ have prepared a statement Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit in advance of the DFID/Gates Family Planning Summit which will be held in London on 11 July 2012. We would like to invite you or your organization to endorse this statement (attached), which will be presented to the organisers prior to the Summit. 

For information, I have also attached the official zero draft of the Family Planning Summit Overview that was circulated to civil society stakeholders.

To endorse this statement, please send the following information to CRR’s Kate Meyer (

  • Name of organization or individual (please specify which)
  • Country
  • Name and email of contact person

Please also circulate this statement to your contacts and networks. The deadline for endorsements is Monday 11 June 2012. We will circulate the statement again after endorsements have been received.
Best wishes,
Louise Finer
Director of Global Advocacy
Center for Reproductive Rights

The Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit can be downloaded here in English, Spanish, and Portuguese


Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit — Call for Endorsement  

Amnesty International, Center for Reproductive Rights, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN),  International Women's Health Coalition and RESURJ have prepared a statement *Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit *in advance of the DFID/Gates Family Planning Summit which will be held in London on 11 July 2012 and would like to invite you or your organization to endorse this statement (at bottom of this email), which will be presented to the organisers prior to the Summit.

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London Family Planning Summit Declaration for Civil Society 

The International Planned Parenthood Federation in the email below invites Civil Society Organizations to sign the London Family Planning Summit Declaration:

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Latin American Consultation for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on the review process for ICPD 2014 

Representatives of more than 70 social organizations and movements in Latin America met in Montevideo, Uruguay “to demand higher commitment from their governments to deliver on the promises they made at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo 1994.”

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Fifth International Parliamentarians Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action (IPCI-ICPD)

On 24 and 25 May 2012 over 300 MPs from 107 parliaments are meeting in Istanbul under the auspices of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, to discuss the progress that the world’s governments are making in their efforts to protect and empower women in their reproductive health and rights.

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More time needed for finalizing the Rio+20 draft outcome document -- The Future We Want

At the end of the UNCSD Informal Informal Consultations in New York, 23 April – 4 May 2011, delegations had agreed only 21 paragraphs of the draft outcome document ad referendum (pending agreement on the final text) with a further 400 remaining in brackets. With so little time remaining before the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) takes place in Rio de Janeiro on 20-22 June, a further negotiating session has been added, which will be held at UN Headquarters in New York from 29 May to 2 June.

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