
ICPD Beyond 2014 Caribbean Forum on Population, Migration and Development

Civil Society Statement, presented by Dona Da Costa Martinez, Trinidad and Tobago Family Planning Association

In the statement presented by Dona Da Costa Martinez of the Trinidad and Tobago Family Planning Association on Georgetown, Guyana on 9 July 2014, civil society organizations (CSOs) and networks highlighted a number key issues related to the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action that should also strengthen the linkages between the ICPD objectives, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the post-2015 development agenda.

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Counting down to the UN General Assembly Special Event on the MDGs

The deadline has passed for civil society organizations to contribute to the UN Non-Governmental Organization Liaison Service (NGLS) consultation. The report based on these inputs will be presented to the UN Secretary General and Heads of State and Governments at the UN General Assembly Special Event on the MDGs on 25 September 2013, for which the co-facilitators are the Permanent Representatives of Ireland and the Republic of South Africa. At the present time the Report of the UN Secretary-General is also being finalized.

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ICPD Human Rights Conference Points Way Towards Equality, Dignity for All – Recommendations and Conclusions

During the ICPD International Conference on Human Rights recommendations were developed over three days by representatives of government, parliaments and civil society groups on how to ensure equality and protect the rights of every person. 

A summary was presented at the closing ceremony by Marijke Wijnroks, the conference chair and Dutch Ambassador for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the chair’s reflections on the conference.

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United Nations Economic Commission for Africa/African Union Congress Regional Meetings for ICPD Beyond 2014

We have received the following information about the Regional Conference and Civil Society and Youth participation from the International Planned Parenthood Federation 

Regionally, UNECA, UNFPA and AUC are working together to determine the status of progress on and identify priorities for the population and development agenda on the African continent. The regional population conference will convene under the theme Harnessing the Demographic Dividend: The Africa we want on 2-6 September in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is a regional review of the status of the implementation of the ICPD programme of Action in Africa The conference is hosted by United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and African Union Congress (AUC) who are holding an experts and governmental meeting. IPPF Africa Region and partners are hosting a civil society meeting and Afri Yan and Partners are hosting a youth forum.

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FP2020 launches its Communication Toolkit  

July 11th marks the first anniversary of the London Summit on Family Planning.  According to the FP2020 Task Team, looking back and reflecting over the last twelve months,it can be seen that good progress has been made. Some of the achievements over the last year are captured in the attached communications toolkit, which they hope you will use on July 11th. 

The toolkit pdf and four jpgs to use on social media are available (jpgs below). 


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Assessing the Fourth Session of the Open Working Group  

Looking back at the Fourth Session of the Open Working Group (OWG4), it is possible to see the commitment of a number of Governments to the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health and rights. This was particularly evident in the statement that was delivered by H.E. Ambassador Jose Luis Cancela, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United Nations, on behalf of the Governments of Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Mozambique, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Rwanda, South Africa, Slovenia, Turkey, United Kingdom. It was unique as it was a major cross-regional statement from countries in Latin America, Africa, the Pacific, Eastern Europe, as well as countries in Western Europe.

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Caribbean Forum on Population, Development and Migration will assess progress and challenges in population matters at a Regional Forum in Guyana

The following information has been received about the Caribbean Forum on Population, Development and Migration which opens at the Guyana International Conference Centre on 9 July 2013:

Caribbean authorities and members of civil society will be meeting in Georgetown, Guyana, to assess the region’s progress in implementing the Programme of Action of the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development (adopted in Cairo in 1994).

The Caribbean Forum on Population, Development and Migration, which will be held on 9 and 10 July 2013, is being organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Government of Guyana and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).  It will give participants the opportunity to share successful experiences and identify new challenges faced by the region in terms of achieving the aims of the ICPD.

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ICPD Beyond 2014 International Conference on Human Rights Social Media

7–10 July 2013, The Netherlands

The ICPD International Conference on Human Rights is taking place in The Netherlands from 7-10 July 2013. Part of the UN mandated review of the 1994 ICPD Programme of Action, it will bring together representatives from government, civil society and UN agencies, as well as experts and human rights defenders to identify key achievements, barriers and emerging challenges to delivering the goals of ICPD.

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Secretary-General’s report on achieving the MDGs and post-2015 

The Secretary General's report on achieving the MDGs and post-2015 is currently being finalized for the 25 September 2013 Special Event. It is understood to be weak on gender equality and women's rights and not to address sexual and reproductive health or rights.  

It was decided to encourage civil society organizations (CSOs) to write to the Secretary General using the attached letter as a basis for their communications during the Regional  civil society meeting “ICPD Beyond 2014 – From Promise to Action, CSOs Defining the Way Forward”, co-hosted by IPPF European Network and the regional networks ASTRA and European Women’s Lobby, and attended by over 70 participants from across the region. 

Other CSOs are also urged to send letters recognizing that time is of the essence and may also wish to use the attached as a guide.


Regional UNECE Conference; Enabling Choices: Population Priorities for the 21st Century  

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) 

The Regional UNECE Conference; Enabling Choices: Population Priorities for the 21st Century , 1-2 July has concluded after a two day review  of the achievements of the ICPD Programme of Action in the region. Discussion was oriented around the UNECE Regional Report  - based on the results from the global surveys from the countries in the UNECE region. Discussion was organised into three themes:

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