
Deadlines for civil society speaking and steering committee opportunities

As UN DESA and UN-NGLS are frequently notifying us of opportunities for civil society membership of steering committees and speaking opportunities with short deadlines, we are listing these in the attached document under the Post-2015 Calendar drop down menu.

Updated 29/April/2015


Intergovernmental Negotiations on Post-2015 – Day 3, Sessions 4 & 5: Interactive discussions and Sustainable development goals & targets

Summing up by Co-facilitator 

At the end of the interactive session, on which three of the civil society inventions have already been posted, Ambassador Kamau gave a summary of the session. He spoke about the “sense of urgency” and the need to “get on with the business,” in order to ensure that the post-2015 development would be ready for the Heads of State Summit in September. As he said, the focus should be on what is possible and we should appreciate fully the significance of what we have been able to do. He challenged everyone to find a historical precedence for what has already been done. To emphasize the point he quoted two Kiswahili sayings: “Too much greed is for the hyenas” and “He who wants everything, loses everything.” He also reminded everyone that without civil society involvement, Governments will not be able to do anything, as civil society is “of the people, and for the people.”  

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Reminder — 29 March: closing date for applications for speaking roles for 4th post-2015 negotiating session

You are reminded that the closing date for applications for speaking roles for the 4th post-2015 development agenda intergovernmental negotiating session is 29 March. See 4th post-2015 negotiating session, 20-24 April: Apply for stakeholder Steering Committee and speaking roles for further information. 


Intervention from the floor by Marianne Haslegrave on behalf of the Post-2015 Health Coalition

A common theme this morning has been health and well-being. Good health is crosscutting and has an impact on every other goal.

We respect the ongoing technical work of the UN Statistical Commission to develop a robust set of priority indicators. This should not preclude agreeing the conceptual and technical framework that will capture progress towards health and wellbeing for all.

We would ask Member States to consider a global indicator on healthy life expectancy so that by 2030 everyone will be living longer, better lines.

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Interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other Stakeholders – Statement by Sai Jyothirmai Racherla, ARROW

Recommendations for the Post-2015 negotiations – Sustainable Development Goals, Targets and Indicators: Interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other Stakeholders

25 March, 2015. UN New York

Thank you, Your Excellencies, distinguished delegates. I am Sai Jyothirmai Racherla from the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW). I also represent the Asia Pacific Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (RCEM), as well as the Civil Society Platform to Promote SRHR beyond 2015.

We welcome the work done by all stakeholders on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Targets and Indicators. 

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Interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other Stakeholders – Statement by Samuel Kissi, AfriYAN

Statement by Samuel Kissi, AfriYAN: Post 2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations, March

Mr. Chair, we are grateful for this opportunity, and we welcome the proposed 17 goals and 169 targets from the Open Working Group. These form a strong framework for the advancement of a sustainable development agenda and we are pleased by the attempt to ensure that all segments of society are carried along in this new agenda.

While the Open Working Group report references the importance of young people, the Post-2015 Agenda must go further. in underscoring the cross-cutting needs, rights and roles of adolescents and youth in all their diversity. A truly transformative and people-centered sustainable development agenda will only be realized if it has young people at its heart.  

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Intergovernmental Negotiations on Post-2015 Development Agenda consideration of goals and targets – Day 2, Session 3: Indicators (continued)

During the morning session of Day of the Intergovernmental Negotiations, a number of countries took the floor echoing many of the points made the previous day (See: Intergovernmental Negotiations on Post-2015 Development Agenda consideration of goals and targets – Day 1: Indicators) There were however some additional comments that relate to the process, or which can have an impact on issues such as gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights or young people in the process going forward. These include:

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Intergovernmental Negotiations on Post-2015 Development Agenda consideration of goals and targets – Day 1: Indicators

Ambassador Kamau, Co-facilitator, opened the third session of negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda on sustainable development goals and targets.  He drew attention to the two letters that had been sent out by the co-facilitators on 6 March and 17 March (See: Co-facilitators provide further information on the agenda for the third intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda) that outlined the agenda for the meeting. He also referred to the fact that there was no appetite for re-opening the goals and targets. 

In introducing the presentation by John Pullinger, Chair of the Statistical Commission, he noted that a document had been received from the Commission on 18 March. He said that he was seeking assurances and reassurances from the Statistical Commission and UN Statistical Division that work was moving along smoothly. 

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Provide feedback on themes for roundtable discussions in post-2015 development agenda hearings (26-27 May 2015)

The following email has been received from UN-NGLS

Dear Colleagues,

As part of the preparatory process for the September 2015 UN General Assembly Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, two full days of stakeholder hearings will be conducted on 26-27 May at UN Headquarters. These hearings will be hosted by the President of the General Assembly and the Co-Facilitators of the post-2015 development agenda negotiations, Ambassador David Donoghue, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the UN, and Ambassador Macharia Kamau, Permanent Representative of Kenya to the UN.

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Technical Report of the Bureau of the UN Statistical Commission – further comments

As we approach the forthcoming intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda, it might be useful to give further consideration to the Technical Report of the Bureau of the UN Statistical Commission

At the outset it should be noted that this is a ‘working draft’. It also states clearly that time is required to develop a “robust and high-quality indicator framework” and that the Commission has endorsed a roadmap for the development and implementation of indicators with a target date for endorsing the global indicator framework at its 47th session in 2016.

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