
Draft Programme for Joint Session between Post-2015 processes and FfD processes now available

The Co-facilitators for both the intergovernmental negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Ambassadors David Donoghue of Ireland and Macharia Kamau of Kenya, and the preparatory process for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD), Ambassadors George Talbot of Guyana and Geir O Pederson of Norway, have made available the draft programme for the joint session to be held in New York next week. 

The meeting will open on 21 April with a discussion of issues from the FfD negotiating session, followed by a discussion with the International Financial Institutions. There will be a briefing, followed by discussion, on 22 April on a technology facilitation mechanism, and other science, technology and innovation issues, by the Co-moderators of the GA Structured Dialogue on possible arrangements for a technology facilitation mechanism, Ambassadors Paul Seger of Switzerland (tbc) and Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota of Brazil.

The interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other Stakeholders will take place on the morning of 23 April after which there will be an open discussion on the relationship between the FfD and post-2015 processes (global partnership and possible key deliverables and transformative ideas such as in relation to capacity building, infrastructure, energy, social floors and agriculture etc.)

The follow-up and review on FfD and Means of Implementation will be discussed on Friday, together with coherence between respective outcome documents, outstanding issues and way forward, with the closing summing up by the Co-facilitators between 17.00 and 18.00.

The programme of work is available here.

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