
Summit of the Future No 46: Global Digital Compact Rev 4

Rev 4 of the Global Digital Compact  was released and put under silence until Thursday 29 August, 3pm (NY time).

Silence was broken on a number of paragraphs, including: 8 (a) and 50, 24, 27, 29 (d), 31 (d), 35 (e), 39 (d), 55 (a) and (b), 56, 63, 68, 69 and 74 as well as 11(c), 23(a), 27, 28, 30, 31(b), 31(d), 29(d), 45(b), 56, and 57. 

Consultations are apparently taking place on a number of the paragraphs on a bi-lateral basis. We will post information as to the next steps when we receive it. 

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