Summit of the Future No 31: Co-facilitators to hold Virtual Consultation on Rev 1 of the Pact for the Future on 30 May 2024, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m (New York time)

In their letter of 23 May 2024, Ambassadors Antje Leendertse and Neville M Gertze, Co-facilitators for the Pact for the Future invite all stakeholders, including Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) and civil society representatives, to participate in a virtual consultation on 30 May, from 10.00 am to 1 pm.
Its objectives are:
1) to hear from the Co-Chairs of the UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi regarding the discussions and the follow up on the conference, as they say that the “highly valued the very rich and energizing exchange on a broad variety of topics during [their] time in Nairobi.” The Co-facilitators, or their representatives, for the Declaration on Future Generations and the Global Digital Compact will also be present during this segment.
2) to provide an opportunity for “MGoS and other civil society networks and organizations to share their reactions and views on the Rev 1 of the Pact. Additionally, the consultation will provide the opportunity for MGoS and civil society to articulate their priorities for the Pact directly to Member States.”
To register for the consultation, use this link or scan the QR code below. A link to the virtual room will be shared with registered participants before the event and during the meeting, the Secretariat will indicate in the chat box how connected stakeholders can inscribe on the list of speakers.
Statements from MGoS and other civil society networks and organizations
During the consultation priority will be given to statements on behalf of groups of States and stakeholders. Time limits are three minutes for groups and two minutes for national or individual statements. After the Co-Chairs for the Nairobi Conference have spoken, statements will be heard as follows:
- Co-Chairs of the Coordination Mechanism of the MGoS (max 5 mins)
- Representatives of individual MGoS, civil society coalitions and groups (max 3 mins)
- Representatives of individual NGOs, expert groups, private sector and other stakeholders (max 2 mins)