
Return to pre-pandemic numbers of ground passes for NGOs

Dear Civil Society Colleagues,

We want to inform you of changes to the current number of yearly grounds passes issued to civil society organizations for the UNHQ in New York.

Effective immediately, the Department of Global Communications (DGC) and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) are returning to issuing their regular, pre-pandemic, number of annual passes issued to organizations associated with DGC or in consultative status with ECOSOC.

DGC will return to issuing up to six yearly grounds passes per organization to all CSOs associated with the Department as per regular policies reflected on the Civil Society Unit's website. DESA is restarting issuing 16  grounds passes (with a combination of 7 annual and 9 temporary passes as per pre-pandemic arrangements), following the mechanisms and updated instructions on DESA's website. 

The requirement currently in place regarding proof of COVID-19 vaccination remains in place. Further details and instructions will be provided by each department to all accredited organizations. 

Please note that organizational arrangements for obtaining and collecting ground passes are subject to change depending on the health situation in New York and the related arrangements at the United Nations. Both departments will keep you updated with any changes or adjustments to the information hereby provided. 

Thank you for your understanding.

We look forward to continuing our fruitful collaboration.


Civil Society & Advocacy Section, DGC
NGO Branch, DESA

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