
Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 released

The Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 is now available for download on the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

The GSDR will be discussed at the Summit and is specifically mentioned for the first session on Wednesday, 25 September  in the context of critical entry points. In addition to many references to health, reproductive health specifically is included in the following paragraph on page 40:

“Reducing income poverty can be achieved through equitable economic growth. But addressing multidimensional poverty is more complex, and requires other interventions that need to be carried out simultaneously.  Although health and education are often considered as outcomes of successful development in the Sustainable Development Agenda, they are also means to achieving other key elements of the Agenda.  Good health, for example, contributes to reducing poverty, attaining quality education and reducing inequalities; likewise, quality education is a precondition for many areas of sustainable development, from reproductive health, mortality and poverty to social equity, social cohesion and environmental sustainability.”

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