
Programme outline for Nairobi Summit

Further information on the programme for the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 should shortly be available on the Summit website. Meanwhile, we understand that it will broadly comprise the following: 

  • Official Opening and 1st High Level Leaders’ Commitment Session
  • Series of Signature Sessions with two running parallel to each other, based on the five themes: Universal SRHR in the Context of UHC; Creating Financing Momentum; Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development; GBV and Harmful Practices against Women and Girls; SRHR in Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts
  • Concurrent thematic sessions
  • Community Open Dialogue Series 
  • Closing Plenary

There will be no side events taking place concurrently with the official programme. They can, however, take place before and after, or at lunch time.

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