
IAEG-SDGs 10 Update 1

Opening session and new members of

The 10th meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators is being held for the first time in Africa, at the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  from 22-24 October 2019.

At the opening session, chaired by the Africa Centre for Statistics, an address was presented on behalf of Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary, UNECA. In her address Ms Songwe expressed her thanks and appreciation to members of the IAEG and the UN Statistical Division Secretariat. She referred to the great need for quality, timely, disaggregated data and for countries in the region to strengthen data in their development plans. The ECA has developed a Regional handbook on 2030 and 2063 disseminated in compilation of indicators and is holding workshops to support spatial information. Transformation and modernization is important together with the integration of new data sources. In the context of the Agenda 2063, CSO and other stakeholders should be encouraged to share lessons learned and experiences

Dr Abina Chuwa, Co-Chair of IAEG-SDGs referred to the reduction of Tier III indicators, noting that another seven would be considered during this meeting. Proposals for the 2020 Review will also be considered.  With respect to the progress made since the adoption of SDGs, there is much to do for the necessary monitoring. With the review an important chapter in the work of the IAEG-SDGs will come to an end, but work needs to be done at the national level including in disaggregation and ‘Leave no one behind’ (LNOB). For countries in Africa financing remains a problem as no one will put money into the development of statistics in the region. It is to be hoped that African countries will domesticate indicators into their roadmaps.

Francesca Perucci, UN Statistics Division, welcomed new members, observer states, UN Agencies and stakeholders. She highlighted the need to focus on implementation of the global indicator framework (GIF) after March and for ensuring open data and making statistics stronger than ever at the national level. New technologies should be promoted as well as improved data sources. Improving monitoring is important and the availability of user-friendly tools to promote global and political discussions. More work, moreover, is necessary on data disaggregation and she noted that the principle of  LNOB is not possible without data.

New members of the IAEG-SDGs were welcomed: Afghanistan; Dominican Republic; Ireland; Japan; Kirgizstan; Libya; Malawi; Malaysia; Niger; and Oman.

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