
7th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs: UPDATE 12

Data flow guidelines 

The 49thsession of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) welcomed efforts by the IAEG-SDGs to improve data flows and global reporting. The draft guidelines on data flows and global data reporting for the SDGs as an initial step to improve coordination and harmonization of national and international data systems, and to ensure full transparency of data, metadata and data aggregates presented in the SDG global database.

The UNSC was asked to work jointly with custodian agencies and establish a fruitful dialogue involving all parties to refine further the guidelines, taking into account its concerns, to prepare criteria for implementation of its guidelineswhile limiting the burden on the time and resources of both national and international statistical systems and resolving outstanding issues.

The timeline for implementing the guidelines is:

Apr-Aug 2018: Preparing implementation of guidelines based on best practices

Sept: First draft ready for review

Nov:  Discussion at 8thmeeting of IAEG-SDGs

Nov-Dec:  Finalization of draft

Jan 2019:  Submission to UNESCO as a background document

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