
7th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs: UPDATE 4

Updates on works of working groups


The SDXM-SDGs comprises 12 countries and is chaired by Colombia. Ten international agencies are also members including WHO and UNICEF. In February 2018 the group released its first draft Data Structure Definition (DSD) and began its work on Metadata Structure Definition (MSD), which was finalized in March.

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Other activities of the Working Group include producing a Lessons learned document on SDMX exchange of MDG indicators; analysing the approach to reference area encoding; and analysing options for accommodating disaggregation in the data model including use of Custom Breakdown

Geospatial information and interlinkages

The fourth meeting of the Geospatial Working Group was held in December 2017 and included country-level presentations showing what can be done, as well as six presentations from UNSD staff engaged in SDGs. Space agencies were also at the meetings. The deliberations focused extensively on aggregation of geocoded unit level data alongside disaggregation; country level presentation that demonstrated the inclusion of relevant and applicable international (global), and complementary data in the production of certain indicators; space agencies readiness to support the production of certain indicators; space agencies readiness to support the production of indicators with “analysis or production ready” satellite earth observation time series.

Update on the work of the Interlinkages Working Group

The Interlinkages Working Group is co-chaired by Canada and China and has been opened up to include two CSOs, three from academia and three from international and regional organizations. Consultations, both internal and open global consultations have been held with 22 responses in addition to its previous work on interlinkages. Currently Canada is completing the compilation and summary of all responses.

Joint Subgroup of the High-level group (HLG) for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-building for Statistics (PCCB) for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the IAEG-SDG indicators

A Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (Paris21)/UNSD Survey on capacity-building was carried out in December 2017 / January 2018 and the joint subgroup focused on the immediate priorities, with the results being seen in a paper presented at the UN Statistical Commission. A drafting group has been set up to operationalize the recommendations which will be presented to the stakeholders before the HLG meeting.

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