
7th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs: Decisions on data for the SDGs at 49th UN Statistical Commission (UNSC): UPDATE 2  

Important decisions of the 49th session of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) relate to the work of the HGG-PCCB; UN Secretariat and partner agencies; and inter-secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys

Development of indicators


(b) agreed the proposed annual refinement and proposed timeline for the 2020 comprehensive review

(c) …stressed that the further development of tier III indicators will need to continue to advance with urgency, with  particular attention to SDG indicators that are critical to Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

(d) Requested the IAEG-SDGs to consider the feasibility of using tentative existing indicators as proxies for immediate use to monitor targets, while tier III indicators are finalized. (This was to be discussed by the IAEG-SDGs later in the meeting)

Data Disaggregation

(e) Asked the IAEG-SDGs to clearly determine the dimensions and categories of data disaggregation and categories of data disaggregation ..., keeping in mind the resources needed and the key principle of the 2030 agenda of no one left behind

Data flows guidelines

(f) Welcomed efforts by the IAEG-SDGs to improve data flows and global reporting. Welcomed the draft guidelines …as an initial step to improve coordination and harmonization of national and international data systems, and to ensure full transparency of data, metadata and data aggregates presented in the SDG global database.

(g) Requested the IAEG-SDGs to work jointly with custodian agencies and establish a fruitful dialogue between all parties, to further refine the guidelines by taking into account concerns raised at the Statistical Commission and prepare criteria for implementation of the guidelines based on best practices and on ways to limit the burden that the envisaged procedures may represent in terms of time and resources for both national and international statistical systems, and resolving outstanding issues

Work programme

(h) Reiterate the urgent need for statistical capacity building for countries to be able to fully implement the SDG indicators

(k) Approved the proposed work programme of the IAEG-SDGs, as described in section V of its report

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