
Launch of STOPAIDS factsheet on Women, HIV and Reproductive Choices

In connection with the Family Planning Summit co-hosted by DFID, UNFPA and the Gates Foundation in London, STOPAIDS members have launched a fact sheet on HIV, Women and Reproductive Choices.

The factsheet highlights the links between HIV and women’s reproductive choices and proposes integrated services as an effective way to meet women’s comprehensive sexual and reproductive health needs and rights throughout the life course. It highlight key principles to successfully integrated programmes: Rights, Access, Investment, Security, Equity and includes case studies from The International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Salamander Trust, Chasing Zero and IPPF. It also calls attention to the lack of integrated SRHR and HIV integrated programmes for older women.  

The factsheet concludes that all stakeholders working on family planning must consider how HIV is included in their work, and vice versa.

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