
Nomination to represent HLPF CM in one of SDG-focused EGMs

We have received the following email about nominations to represent HLPF CM in one of the SDG-focused EGMs:

Dear HLPF Coordination Mechanism, 

I hope this e-mail finds you well. As discussed in the general meeting on 23 March, a number of SDG-focused Expert Group meetings are taking place this Spring. They are spearheaded by relevant UN entities and deal with four out of the six SDGs being reviewed by the HLPF in addition to goal 17. DSD is facilitating the participation of two MGoS HLPF CM representatives in each of these meetings:

  • SDG 1 May 11-12: Copenhagen, UN complex, nomination deadline: 25 April 2017 (more information here:
  • SDG 5 May 25-26: New York, UN Women, nomination deadline: 28 April 2017 (more info TBA) 
  • SDG 2 June 12-13: New York, UN HQ, nomination deadline: 11 May 2017 (more info TBA) 
  • SDG 3 June 15-16 (TBC): New York, nomination deadline: 15 May 2017 (more info TBA) 
Please note that the two HLPF CM representatives will participate in the EGMs on behalf of the entire group. In addition, the EGM organizers may have other representatives of Major Groups and other Stakeholders that have been invited to attend the EGMs in their individual capacity. 

There is no funding available to support participation in these meetings. Please see below the responsibilities to be undertaken by the HLPF CM Representatives in these EGMs: 
  1. Open a process to collect inputs from the MGoS CM prior to the EGM; 
  2. Prepare a document compiling the inputs received, including flagging divergent opinions if it is the case; 
  3. Use the compiled document as the main basis for their participation in the EGM; 
  4. Report back to the MGoS CM in a written document and orally by attending a CM call. 
Please complete this form to indicate your interest in representing the HLPF CM in one of these EGMs. The Steering Group will review nominations based on expertise in specific SDG and previous engagement with this coordination mechanism.

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