
Sixth meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, 11-14 November, Update 6

Gender equality in the context of SDG implementation and reporting at national, regional, global and thematic levels – Open Data Watch: 

Eric Swanson, of the Open Data Watch (ODW) gave a presentation on Gender Data and the SDGs during the session on SDG implementation and reporting at national, regional, global and thematic levels. He referred to the 53 indicators among the SDGs, as identified by UN Women to be disaggregated by sex or are gender-specific indicators. He also noted that among them are 11 disability indicators. There are an additional 33 indicators that can and should be disaggregated by sex and other attributes.

The ODW and Data2X have proposed 20 indicators that are “ready to measure” and which will provide important information about the economic status and welfare of women. As such, they can kick-start the measurement of a gender baseline for the SDGs. Nevertheless, there are many remaining gaps as can be seen by the fact that coverage and openness is more limited in gender data up to the age of 20 and after the age of 65.

Among their suggestions for strengthening capacity for gender data are:


  • Champion data-informed policy and foster leadership and political will to link gender data with political change
  • Build partnerships and alliances between government ministries and national statistics offices
  • Make data open and engage with NGOs, academic institutions, and the private sector to drive the Data Revolution
  • Create an organizational strategy to mainstream gender statistics in the national statistical system as a whole
  • Achieve sustainable funding by prioritizing gender data and investing in national statistical systems and statisticians who collect and analyse gender data.


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