
Call for Nominations for UN Public Service Awards (deadline 28 February 2017)

Message on behalf of DESA Division for Public Administration and Development Management:

Dear Colleagues, 

The United Nations has launched a call for nominations for the 2017 United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) which the UN Secretary-General gives to reward innovation and excellence in public services in support of the realisation of the SDGs.  The Awards is open to all public organizations -- national and local governments and public-private partnerships for delivering services. Non-Governmental Organizations are invited to nominate initiatives for the Awards.

There are three categories: 1) Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation; 2) Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service; and 3) Innovation and excellence in relation to delivering health services.  The Awards will be given at the UN Public Service Forum in the Netherlands in June 2017.  The front-runners will have the opportunity to participate

Nominations must be completed online  at: https://publicadministration.un.org/en/UNPSA . The deadline is 28 February 2017.

Pleased find attached a flyer and the nomination rules. For any queries please send an email to: UNPSA2017@un.org

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