Ensuring that no-one is left behind: Lifting people out of poverty and addressing basic needs No 2

The following statement was delivered by Marianne Haslegrave, Commonwealth Medical Trust, as a member of the NGO Major Group:
Following the comments of our presenters, to ensure no one is left behind, we need to start on a strong foundation where peoples’ basic needs are being addressed. In looking at concrete steps that can be taken, and in ensuring long-term access to basic needs, we agree on the importance of capacity-building, particularly skills-building at all levels, from the grass-roots but would also include the full involvement of civil society.
We must also encourage development of partnerships, including cross-sector partnerships. We need to build partnerships to improve health status, for example through better access to clean water and sanitation. Likewise improved sanitation and ensuring safe space especially for girls will have a positive impact on their education, which in turn will lead to better employment opportunities, ultimately benefitting the economy.
We agree on the importance of reliable disaggregated data for policy development and follow-up and resources should be directed to where they are most needed.
Implementation of the sustainable development goals, insofar as they will ensure an integrated approach, stressing interlinkages, as opposed to the current siloes, will allow for culturally sensitive sustainable policies that will ensure long-term access to the tools that will help achieve basic needs.
Thank you