
2030 SD Agenda: use Twitter to comment on the co-facilitators' elements paper by Tuesday, 26 April

We have received the following from DESA:

The co-facilitators of the General Assemby informal consultations on the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda at the global level (Belize and Denmark) have prepared an elements paper which is available at:

The co-facilitators will convene informal consultations amongst Member States and stakeholders on Thursday, 28 April, at 3 p.m. in the Trusteeship Council Chamber, where they will invite Member States and relevant stakeholders to share their comments on the document.

Representatives of major groups and other stakeholders who would like to speak at the meeting are kindly requested to sign up by completing the following form:

The interventions should not exceed 2 minutes and should focus on making concrete suggestions on the elements paper. The final determination of speakers and the order in which they will speak will be made by the co-facilitators based on the inscriptions received through this form. 

Please note that the Secretariat will not be able to provide any travel support to this meeting.   

[Addendum] Major Groups and other Stakeholders can also submit comments on the co-facilitators' elements paper on Twitter using the hashtag #2030followup. The deadline to submit inputs via Twitter is Tuesday, 26 April, COB NYC time. 

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