
To UN DESA NGO Major Group & other stakeholders

Invitation to join the NGO MG TOR webex/meeting tomorrow morning, 11 February, 9:30 am - 11:30 am NY, at UN secretariat, Room S-26MM2. RSVP and webex links are below. 

All NGOs are invited to participate in a webex/meeting to review and discuss the implementation of the draft NGO Major Group Terms of Reference (TOR), to take place on Thursday, 11 February, 9:30 am - 11:30 am EST NY, at UN secretariat, Room S-26MM2 (space is limited, so first come, first serve). 



Following the circulation of previous drafts of the TOR which were discussed at meetings of the NGO Major Group last September and November, we solicited volunteers  to form a NGO TOR working group to finalize the language of the TOR, comprised of Frances Zainoeddin, Gray Panthers; Aaron Etra, UNA-USA; David Kirshbaum, Nonviolence International; Margo LaZaro, NGO Committee on Sustainable Development; and NGO MG OPs Leida Rijnhout, Jeffery Huffines and Philipp Schonrock.

With gratitude for the tremendous amount of work conducted by the TOR working group, we will be asking the working group members to lead a discussion on the different sections of the NGO MG TOR. At the meeting we will welcome your questions, comments and insights on how to best implement the TOR so that the wide diversity of the NGO community may be effectively represented  at the HLPF. 


  • The NGO Major Group Organizing Partners -- roles, functions and responsibilities
  • NGO Major Group Facilitation Committee Structure and Terms -- global OPs, regional OPs, thematic cluster coordinators, meetings & decision-making
  • Nominations and elections of global/regional OPs and thematic cluster coordinators -- Nomination Committee procedures & timeline, criteria, annual meeting & election
  • Interaction with the HLPF -- policy coordination & advocacy, NGO registration & representation

Meeting of the NGO major group 

Thursday, February 11, 2016 

9:30 am  |  Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  2 hrs 

Join WebEx meeting 

Meeting number: 795 940 105
Meeting password: Meet1234 

Add this meeting to your calendar. (Cannot add from mobile devices.) 

Can't join the meeting? Contact support


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