
Summit 12: List your Post-2015 Summit side events inside or outside the UN, open to observers

We have received the following from UN-NGLS

Organizing a side event for the UN Sustainable Development Summit? (either inside or outside the UN)

Please complete the short form at the link below if you are organizing an event inside the United Nations or elsewhere in New York City related to the UN Sustainable Development Summit that is open to observers (including those with registration process by email or web link):

This form is not a registration portal for any event - it is just intended to support efficient availability of information regarding possibilities for observers to attend Summit side events taking place either inside or outside the UN. The form includes questions on if and how people can request to attend your event. This aims to support both side event organizers seeking to expand their audience, and people seeking a centralized listing of Summit related events that they could possibly attend. The form also includes a field where you can indicate if the event will be webcast.

Responses to this form will post automatically (in order of date / time) in an open online spreadsheet which can be viewed here:

Best regards,

United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)

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