
Summit 2: Further information on registering for 25-27 September Post-2015 Summit

Below is correspondence between Jeffery Huffines, NGO Major Group and Susan Alzner, NGLS which clarifies some of the issues related to registering for the Summit. You are reminded that the deadline is 11.59 pm. (New York time), Monday 24 August 2015...


Hi All -- Here is an explanation from Susan Alzner of UN-NGLS regarding the rationale behind the selection process of NGO delegations invited to register for the UN Summit as it relates to the number and size of NGO delegations, the list of NGO/CSO speakers at the Summit, and release of Summit side events. Unless informed otherwise, the deadline for the UN Summit registration remains Monday, 24 August 2015. 

From: Susan Alzner 
Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:05 PM

Subject: Re: Fwd: Apply to register for 25-27 September Post-2015 Summit & APPLY: Solutions Summit at UN HQ 27 Sep

To: Jeffery Huffines 

Hi Jeff,

We have not set a limit yet because we still do not have the # of NGO / CSO delegates that will be able to enter the plenary and roundtables. We encourage in the form for people to indicate priority representatives in the cell that asks about experience with post-2015. If we are informed of a low capacity for NGOs and CSOs, and have a higher number of registrations, we will go back to organizations with an equitable limit that matches the capacity allocation, while enabling the maximum # of organizations to attend. This will happen quickly next week. 

The speakers selected for the opening, plenary, and interactive dialogues do not need to also apply to register. The only speakers for CSOs and NGOs in the Summit are those selected through the process we ran specifically for speakers. The selection of these speakers has not yet been completed by OPGA.

A list of Summit side events will eventually be available from the UN but it is not yet.  I know that many side event organizers are only just now receiving notifications of acceptance and they must respond with confirmations, so I think the list will not be released very soon.  We will certainly distribute it as soon as it is available.

Please let me know if you need any further clarifications.

Best regards,


From: Jeffery Huffines
Date: 08/20/2015 04:16PM

Subject: Fwd: Apply to register for 25-27 September Post-2015 Summit & APPLY: Solutions Summit at UN HQ 27 Sep

Hi Susan & Natalie -- I hope that this note finds you both well. I have been getting queries including:

  • How many members per NGO delegation? Folks note that there is no limit, but realistically, 1 per NGO and 1 alternate?
  • Does the short list include NGO/CSO speakers? If so, how many for speakers and how many for other NGO delegates?
  • Is the list of NGO/CSO speakers available yet?
  • Will a list of Summit related side events be made available by DESA and/or NGLS?

Many thanks, Jeff

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