
Post-2015 development agenda intergovernmental negotiations, 20-31 July, No 5: Logistical information 

We have received the following email from DESA-DSD 

Dear All,

The next session of the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda will be held from 20-24 and 27-31 July in Conference Room 1. The programme of work, relevant documentation and a list of side events are available at the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform at

Similar to the previous negotiating sessions, a total of 12 seats with microphones will be made available in Conference Room 1 for use by major groups and other stakeholders on a rotational basis. Additional seating will be available in the balcony area of Conference Room 1. On Monday, 20 July and Tuesday, 21 July, the Trusteeship Council Chamber will function as an overflow room. Subject to room availability, overflow rooms for the subsequent days will be announced in due course. All meetings will also be webcast at

Preparation of daily interventions

Major groups and other stakeholders will be able to deliver three collectively prepared statements (max. 2 min each) at the end of each day of the first week. To facilitate the collaborative preparations of these 3 daily statements, DSD and NGLS have created the following Google Spreadsheet to be used by major groups and other stakeholders to coordinate their efforts:

There will be coordination meetings every morning, lunchtime and afternoon to finalize the preparations of the statements and to discuss other pertinent matters. These coordination meetings will be held on Monday, 20 July, from 8:30-10 a.m. and from 1-6 p.m. in conference room 12. The location for the subsequent days will be shared with you on Monday.

Additional meeting rooms

A smaller conference room has also been reserved for your use for additional caucusing purposes. The room is available Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 8:00pm and can be reserved using the following form: Please note that it is not the same room every day, please refer to the schedule available on the reservation form.  

Meeting with the Permanent Mission of Brazil

The Permanent Mission of Brazil is inviting representatives of major groups and other stakeholders to a meeting on Tuesday, 21 July, at 8:30 a.m. in conference room 6.

Please note that the UN will be closed tomorrow, Friday, 17 July, in observance of Eid al-Fitr. We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

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