
Post-2015: Google form for collaborating on statements during July post-2015 IGN and call-in information for next planning call

We have received the following from Division for Sustainable Development

Dear Colleagues,  

As discussed during this morning's coordination call, DSD and NGLS have created the following google form to facilitate your collaboration to prepare three short interventions (2 minutes max) to be made at the end of each negotiating day during the July IGN

This form should be used to identify the topic for each intervention and to indicate your interest to either draft or comment on a text. Drafters and commentators can be added for each intervention as necessary by highlighting the entire row and right clicking, then selecting insert one above or below depending on which row you highlighted. As discussed, the contributors will need to let DSD and NGLS know the name and organization of the person who will deliver the statement. In addition, DSD and NGLS can circulate hard copies of all statements in the room. These written statements can be longer and include a list of all who have contributed...

For your convenience the July IGN program can be accessed at:

We will hold another coordination call on Thursday, 16 July, at 9 a.m. NY time to discuss this process further and address any questions that may arise over the next two days. 

The call in info is below: 

DESA WebEx invites you to join this WebEx meeting. 

Coordination meeting of MGoS for the July IGN 

Thursday, July 16, 2015
9:00 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  2 hrs 

Join WebEx meeting

Meeting number: 794 603 679
Meeting password: Meet1234 

Add this meeting to your calendar. 

Can't join the meeting? Contact support.

Please let us know if you have any questions. 

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