
Financing for Development FfD3: Additional Consultations on zero draft of outcome document begin 11-15 May. Latest draft now available.

The latest draft of the outcome document for the third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3), the Addis Ababa Accord, has been released by Co-facilitators Geir Pedersen of Norway and George Talbot of Guyana, together with the dates for the additional sessions: 11-15 May and 26-29 May 2015, as well as 1-5 June if needed. 

The revised draft is based on views and comments on the zero draft during the Second Drafting Session (April 13-17), the joint session on means of implementation  with the post-2015 development agenda process and written inputs comments received.

The consultations will facilitate a paragraph-by-paragraph reading of the revised draft and will begin at 10.00 on Tuesday 12 May to give delegation additional time to prepare. There will be a session on a technology facilitation mechanism, and other science, technology and innovation issues on the afternoon of Wednesday 13 May. A meeting will be held from 09.00 – 09.45 on Tuesday 12 May and from 09.00 – 09.45 on Wednesday 13 May with civil society organizations.

The letter and revised first draft are available here

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