
Technical report of the UN Statistical Commission Bureau

The Working draft of the Technical Report of the UN Statistical Commission Bureau, which will be presented at the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda next week, by John Pullinger, the Chair of the Statistical Commission, is now available.

In the document, the proposed provisional indicators are rated according to the criteria, based on the following questions:

Question 1: Please indicate the feasibility of the proposed provisional indicators (including its disaggregation by age and sex, where suggested) according to the following categories:

A: Easily feasible (methodology exists and data is available) 

B: Feasible with strong effort

C: Difficult, even with strong effort 

Question 2: Please indicate the suitability of the proposed provisional indicators according to the following categories:

A: We support this indicator

B: We need to discuss and/or consider other indicators 

C: We do not support this indicator 

Question 3: Please indicate whether the proposed provisional indicator is relevant to the target according to the following categories:

A: Very relevant

B: Somewhat relevant 

C: Not relevant 

Question 4: For indicators that propose disaggregation beyond age and sex please rate the feasibility of the additional dis-aggregations according to the following categories: (Only for 23 indicators where applicable)

A: Easily feasible (methodology exists and data is available 

B: Feasible with strong effort

C: Difficult, even with strong effort 

The indicators for target 3.1 on maternal mortality, which originate from the MDGs, get AAA for both indicators as do six of the eight indicators for target 3.3 on ending the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases. 

Target 3.7 on universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes gets one AAA for the indicator on adolescent birthrate, by a BBA for the indicator on demand satisfied with modern contraceptives. The indicators for target 5.6 on universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights are rated as CBB and BBB. 

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