Intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda, second session
The second session of the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda will be held in New York, 17-20 February 2015. During the opening, the Co-facilitators will introduce the elements document (See: Co-facilitators share ‘elements document’ for Declaration component of post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations), after which there will be an open discussion on it. Member States will then consider the preparation of the draft Declaration, following which on the morning of Thursday 19 February there will be an interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other stakeholders. The remaining meetings will then be devoted to open discussion on the draft Declaration.
Elements document
In their letter that accompanies the elements paper, the Co-facilitators pose a number of guiding questions to Member States to stimulate discussion: "what underpins our vision?"; “what are the common principles on which the post-2015 development agenda will be built?”; "what is meant by transformative in the context of this agenda?"; and "what are we transforming and how?" They invite delegates to consider how the world should look in 2030, and what challenges must be overcome to make their vision a reality. Indeed, what is the “tomorrow we want?”
The elements paper contains sections on: a collective vision of the road to 2030; what we must do to get there (an explanation of the post-2015 development agenda); how we will do this (describing the Means of Implementation and global partnership, and strengthening the UN system); follow-up and review; our commitment, global solidarity, common principles (including the UN Charter, common values, past agreements and principles, and a political commitment); and a final call to action. They also highlight the need for a compelling and simple title for the declaration.