
SDSN launches new global consultation on SDG Indicators report

Today the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) is launching a new global consultation on “Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the SDGs.” This draft report presents a comprehensive indicator framework for the UN Open Working Group goals and outlines major indicator gaps that must be filled over the next twelve months. The draft incorporates comments from hundreds of organizations and has been prepared in consultation with the UN Statistics Division.

The new consultation will run from January 16 - 31. We seek expert input to improve the framework, fill gaps, and consider the widest possible evidence. Please submit all comments via the webform on our website.

Submit your input!        

We encourage you to join online discussion on Facebook and Twitter using #indicators2015, though official written comments must be submitted via our webform.

Following the consultation, a revised report incorporating public comments will serve as input into the Expert Group Meeting on SDG Indicators in February 2015, being held in conjunction with the UN Statistical Commission.

Thank you in advance for your inputs. 

Best regards,

Guido Schmidt-Traub
SDSN Executive Director

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