IPCI Side Event at UNGA: Implementing the promise of the Stockholm Declaration

Over 100 parliamentarians, government ministers, representatives of diplomatic missions and civil society members attended a side event on the outcome of the 2014 International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD (IPCI). The event took place on the eve of the UNGA Special Session On The Follow-Up To The Programme Of Action Of The ICPD Beyond 2014.
At IPCI 2014, held in Stockholm from 23 to 25 April, parliamentarians from 134 countries agreed a Statement of Commitment (SoC) representing their strongest call ever to implement the ICPD Programme of Action.
The event opened with speeches from Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of UNFPA; Ms. Hillevi Engström, Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation; and Hon. Emerine Kabanshi, Zambian Minister of Community Development, Mother and Child Health.
Following this, six parliamentarians – from Ecuador, Japan, Tunnisia, UK, Sweden and Zambia - discussed what had been achieved at IPCI and how the SoC can be used to further the aims of the ICPD.
The side event was intended to highlight, for UN member states and other key players in the formulation of the new development agenda, the outcome of IPCI 2014 and the call of the world’s parliamentarians for the integration of the ICPD PoA in the post-2015 global development agenda.
Launched at the event was and 80-page report on the Stockholm conference and a short video giving an overview of the IPCI 2014.
The event was co-hosted by: The Government of Sweden, The Government of Zambia, The European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development and The United Nations Population Fund.
About IPCI
Held every two years since 2002, IPCI aims to promote dialogue among parliamentarians from all regions of the world on the implementation of the 1994 ICPD Programme of Action, with a view to achieving further commitment to collective action in the areas of resource mobilization and the creation of an enabling policy environment for population and development.
For more on the conference see: www.ipci2014.org