69 UNGA Side-Event — Sexual and reproductive health and rights: global development, health and human rights priority

Date: 25 September 2014
Time: 08.30-10.00
Venue: UN Conference Room: CR-C
As world leaders deliberate on the new international development agenda, this session will reflect on progress made in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and address the challenges which remain for a comprehensive and integrated approach to SRHR in the future.
Sharing experiences from national and regional levels, panellists will identify key principles necessary to achieve international development objectives related to SRHR, including promotion and protection of service quality; addressing inequalities; fulfilment of human rights; and enhancement of accountability. Discussion will include recommendations for policy-makers, managers, providers and other health sector stakeholders on priority actions needed to ensure that different human rights dimensions are clearly integrated into the provision of sexual and reproductive health. Key priorities for the post-2015 Agenda related to SRHR and the Beijing+20 review will also be discussed.
Introductory Remarks: Mr. Jean-Pascal Labille (Minister for Development Cooperation, Belgium)
Moderator: Ms Kate Gilmore (Deputy Executive Director, UNFPA) Speakers:
- Mr Luis Almagro (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay)
- Ms Fabienne Bartoli (Counsellor for Social Affairs, France)
- Additional Member States (to be confirmed)
- Dr Marleen Temmerman (Director, Department of Reproductive Health and Research, WHO)
- Dr Clifton Cortez (Deputy Director, HIV, Health and Development Group, UNDP)
- Ms Francoise Girard (President, International Women’s Health Coalition)