Preparations for Post-2015 Indicator Framework

As reported on the iisd website: The UN Statistics Division (UNSD) has issued a note on ‘Work on the indicator framework for the post-2015 development agenda,' in the context of the 24th Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities, held in Rome, Italy, on 11-12 September 2014.
According to the note, the goals and targets as included in the Report of the Open Working Group (OWG) and the General Assembly outcome on the post-2015 development agenda will serve as the basis for the framework, which will provide indicators to monitor and report progress on the agenda.
The note provides information on the purpose and basis of the indicator framework; arrangements for the development of the indicator framework; principles for the design of the indicator framework; and principles for the selection of individual indicators.
Modalities for the development of the framework will be agreed by the UN Statistical Commission) at its 46th Session, in March 2015. The indicator framework and set of indicators will be decided at its 47th Session, in February/March 2016. In addition the Friends of the Chair of the Commission Group on broader measures of progress (FOC) will prepare and guide discussions on the development and implementation of the framework, including through the preparation of a report and the organization of an expert group meeting in early 2015.
The note suggests considering existing and agreed indicator sets on a priority basis as principles for the design of the framework. It also recommends considering the concepts of: universality; inclusiveness; scope; inter-linkages and cross-cutting issues; and means versus ends and focus on meaningful outcomes. As a first step, the UNSD suggests mapping the OWG targets against each other and analyzing them with respect to the three dimensions of sustainable development to identify inter-linkages, gaps and overlap. The UNSD's statistical notes to the OWG should provide the starting point for discussion of indicators. ‘SMART' indicators, moreover, should be selected and reports considered that contain criteria for indicator selection, including ‘Lessons Learned from MDG Monitoring from a Statistical Perspective;' Conference of European Statisticians recommendations on measuring sustainable development; and 'Indicators and a monitoring framework for SDGs: Launching a data revolution for the SDGs.' [Work on the indicator framework for the post-2015 development agenda].
To read more see here.