Invitation Sept 25: Celebrating 5 MILLION voices on MY World
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 6:33PM

You are cordially invited to Celebrating 5 million voices MY World Partner Recognition Event & Awards Ceremony
Speakers & Presenters
- Femi Oke, TV Presenter and Journalist (Master of Ceremonies)
Representatives of UN Member States present at the UN General Assembly - Amina J. Mohammed, Special Advisor of the UN Secretary-General on Post-2015
- Hon. Mr. Dullas Alahapperuma, Sri Lanka Cabinet Minister for Youth Affairs
- Richard Curtis, Founder of Comic Relief
- Ahmed Alhendawi, UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth
- Corinne Woods, Director, UN Millennium Campaign
- Claire Melamed, Director, Growth, Poverty and Inequality, Overseas Development Institute
- Zoleka Mandela, ‘Long Short Walk’ campaign activist
Event co-sponsored by the Institute of International Education
Sept. 25, 2014
Edgar J. Kaufmann Conference Facility / Institute of International Education
12th Floor of 809 United Nations Plaza, New York 10117
For further information, contact us.
Space is limited. Please RSVP by September 22nd.
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